Tuesday 10 June 2008

Royally Flushed Down The Toilet

Great but terrible news for music fans! I know my blog follows a staple diet of Irish Hip Hop and Grime but this needs to be included.

I bought a Prince ticket earlier in the year for his 16th June Croke Park performance. The 125.50 euro tickets were the only ones left so I quickly snapped it up after hearing it was going to be his last time in Ireland and he would be performing his greatest hits! I managed to do this fluid movement of Ticketmaster button clicking without realising I have no-one to go with down to Dublin, any place to stay or the money to back it up. So in a panic I hit everyone's favourite auction site, Ebay, to see if I could shift my ticket (and possibly make a tiny profit to go towards a new iPod, oh baby!) To my horror I was seeing two 125.50 euro tickets going for ten euros... Yes I panicked a little bit and thought to myself, oh well I'll just make the sacrifice and go and see him, I still really enjoy his music and it's only the money that's holding me back. My new iPod and phone can wait. (Believe me, no phone or iPod is complete torture, I've been without them for two months)

But then today, SIX DAYS before he is due to play in Croke Park, it gets announced Prince has cancelled due to matters 'beyond his control'. Now I'm pretty ecstatic at this announcement as I'm getting a nice refund and my bank account will feel a bit more free again but my sympathy goes out to all the die hard Prince fanatics he has upset. I skimmed over a few message boards on the internet and there are quite a few American's with flights, hotels etc booked to come over and see him. Six days before the actual performance is a bit nasty. It's a shame Prince has actually cancelled, his mind seems to be in a different world these days, what with fighting Youtube and seemingly the whole internet to remove all his music and now cancelling this massive outdoor show.

I can only help but feel if I wasn't personally benefiting from him cancelling a concert that I had paid a large sum of money (which I don't really have) to go and see by myself that I would be quite furious. I can only wait and wonder what Prince's next big move will be.... The only thing I can promise is, that it'll certainly be controversial.

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