Tuesday 26 February 2008

Fancy Some Late Nite Fishing?

I've just posted a whole heap of videos for everyone to get stuck into and enjoy a few minutes ago, but this one was a little special. I thought Benga & Coki's anthem 'Nite' deserved it's own little write up.
Undoubtedly Dubstep's biggest tune last year (or this year depending on if you want to argue the release date with me but I'd rather not go into that right now, thank you) has been given some visual wizarding treatment. Giles Peterson's Track Of The Year 2007's video has been met with a reception that rivals that of a damp squid (Note to self: Step Your Joke Game Up).
Check the video out, I would tend to agree the person who thought up this idea must have had their water supply spiked and it would definitely be stronger than the salty waters this murky dweller roams through. The tuneage is good though, so just close your eyes if the multi legged, pulsating damp thing is too much for you.

Benga's album "Diary Of An Afro Warrior" will hit stores across the country from 10th March

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